January 16, 2012
Howdy. This week was pretty fun. Nothing too new. We have two new investigators and we feel pretty good about one of them for sure. Her name is Betty and she is 86 years old. Her son has cancer and she has lost all faith in Christ. We showed up one day and asked her if she would allow us to show her Finding Faith in Christ. She said yes and she loved it. We left her a Book of Mormon, our testimony and a return appointment. She is way cool. Said she would read and pray about the Book of Mormon. I went on exchanges with my zone leader Elder Ence. Me and him have become great friends here. We were able to go to Sam Thronas' and paint a cow chute. I'll send pictures. We were able to bury a dead cow too. Elder Ence is from Ivins Utah and he is a cowboy for sure so he was at home. haha. Then we ate dinner with the Thronas family, they are one of my favorite families here on Kauai for sure. We went to mass and it was cool, nothing special but cool. The lady we went with is coming to church this week with us. So I'll look for Sister Nielson's niece. what's her name and when does she come out? I know the Temple President's name in Laie but i can't remember.... but that's cool! What is new with all of the family? Keep up FHE. It is awesome. No i don't cover Princeville. We eat with Aunty Bev tomorrow so that should be good. Eva came to church last week but not yesterday. That's ok. Baby steps. I can definitely tell a change in her since she came to church and has started putting the gospel in her life. Thank you for adding those people for me. Tati and her husband just got baptized. That was a little hard for me cause I knew them so well and wasn't able to be a part of it. but that's ok. We are finding a lot of new investigators which is good. How is drill going? Please no drama. Thats something you don't need to worry about. How is the ward doing? Whats new in Riverton? The transfer ends next week and I'll be with my greeny for at least one more transfer. We are working very hard and the miracles are coming from it. Well that is about it here. Nothing new or exciting. I'm going on 8 months now. Sure doesn't feel like it. I'm enjoying it. Struggles here and there but its all good. I asked my ward mission leader for a blessing yesterday. He reminds me so much of dad and I trust him a lot. We talked for a long time and told me that when I pray don't ask for help or anything. just be grateful. grateful for everything. So I'm trying it and it's working. I really like it. Well mom we have a lesson soon. I love you so much!!!!!! Thanks for all you do and your example.
Love, Elder Hudson

Monday, January 23, 2012
Monday, January 9, 2012
Week #29
January 9th, 2012
Always good to hear from you! Glad everything went so well with Delaineys baptism. and Britnees as well! We had a baptism this past week and it was a good one. Isaiah is 8, had me baptize him and my companion confirmed him the next day in church. It was really cool. I've grown really close to this kid, he is like a little brother to me. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Eva and her family came to church :) So what is Melina like? Do you approve of her? That's awesome they end their date nights in prayer. So it's already 2012. 2011 flew by! That's so crazy. If I don't answer some of your questions in this email its because my email is so slow it will only let me reply if I start a new email. I'm really focused on the work right now. I am not worried about anything at home I'm just doing what I need to do. The work is going slowly on Kauai but it's all good. I talked to my companion in my last area and they just got done baptizing 2 people I taught for 4.5 months. It made me so happy but so sad knowing I couldn't be there to watch them and be a part of it. Keke Martin and Tati Martin are their names. You should add them on Facebook. They have 3 kids and are 20. To answer your question, I got the letter, thanks so very much it's always nice to get mail. Elder Robbins my companion in my last area said he would send it. I guess he hasnt yet so I'll remind him. No worries though. Congrats on drill! Just don't let it stress you out. But that's awesome! I can't believe I've been gone for 7 months. I don't want this to end at times. I think of myself going home at the end of my mission and I don't like the feeling of it.
I know a lot of people in our ward were in the Testaments. I'll have to watch it. I don't know. So keep up the FHE and family prayer. Thanks for updating my blog it looks really good! I love it! What else is going on in Riverton? How is nan doing and grandma and grandpa? Tell T.J. and Austin congrats as well as their women. Tell the family I say hi. I kinda knew that after i would be gone for so long the excitement of it all would just stop. Its the way it is but no worries. I am glad you and Dad email me faithfully I feel like I've grown closer to you even though I'm far away. Keep up the good work with everything, keep doing your missionary work.
Love, Elder Hudson
Always good to hear from you! Glad everything went so well with Delaineys baptism. and Britnees as well! We had a baptism this past week and it was a good one. Isaiah is 8, had me baptize him and my companion confirmed him the next day in church. It was really cool. I've grown really close to this kid, he is like a little brother to me. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Eva and her family came to church :) So what is Melina like? Do you approve of her? That's awesome they end their date nights in prayer. So it's already 2012. 2011 flew by! That's so crazy. If I don't answer some of your questions in this email its because my email is so slow it will only let me reply if I start a new email. I'm really focused on the work right now. I am not worried about anything at home I'm just doing what I need to do. The work is going slowly on Kauai but it's all good. I talked to my companion in my last area and they just got done baptizing 2 people I taught for 4.5 months. It made me so happy but so sad knowing I couldn't be there to watch them and be a part of it. Keke Martin and Tati Martin are their names. You should add them on Facebook. They have 3 kids and are 20. To answer your question, I got the letter, thanks so very much it's always nice to get mail. Elder Robbins my companion in my last area said he would send it. I guess he hasnt yet so I'll remind him. No worries though. Congrats on drill! Just don't let it stress you out. But that's awesome! I can't believe I've been gone for 7 months. I don't want this to end at times. I think of myself going home at the end of my mission and I don't like the feeling of it.
I know a lot of people in our ward were in the Testaments. I'll have to watch it. I don't know. So keep up the FHE and family prayer. Thanks for updating my blog it looks really good! I love it! What else is going on in Riverton? How is nan doing and grandma and grandpa? Tell T.J. and Austin congrats as well as their women. Tell the family I say hi. I kinda knew that after i would be gone for so long the excitement of it all would just stop. Its the way it is but no worries. I am glad you and Dad email me faithfully I feel like I've grown closer to you even though I'm far away. Keep up the good work with everything, keep doing your missionary work.
Love, Elder Hudson
Monday, January 2, 2012
Week #28
January 2, 2012
Happy new year hope it was a good one! Things here are pretty good. The transfer is two weeks from being over. I love it here on Kauai. I never want to leave this place. It definitely will be depressing when I have to leave. We have a baptism coming up this Saturday for 8 yr old Isaiah. It will be a convert baptism because his parents aren't
members. The ward goal is 12 for the year and it will be good to get the year started off right. Loved the pictures, looks like everyone is happy and doing good! 2011 flew by so fast. I've never been to that midget hot chocolate. Sounds pretty funny though.
So that's awesome you do family home evening every Sunday now. That is really good! We go to FHE with the Kaui family every Monday. It's really fun and they are one of my favorite families. There is more than one family that goes over there but its way fun! For new years we went to a members house in another ward. We were able to stay out till
1230. It was cool/different. A ton of fireworks were there but we weren't allowed to shoot any off. Today we went on a 4 mile hike. It looked just like any old hike in Utah but it was cool to do something besides just play basketball all the time. How is everything going at home? Tell T.J.,Delainey, Austin, and his chick Brittany all congratulations. That really is quite something. This week was really good in finding. we found 2 new investigators and they are pretty solid. We are going to mass next week. We tracted into a family and the lady said we could teach her and her family as long as we go to mass with them. So we called President Dalton and he sought for revelation while I was on the phone with him and he said yes. I'm pretty excited! I never want to leave this area, I know I'm going to soon andIi will be crushed. but wherever I go the Lord needs me there. We talked to Aunty Eva this past week. We pulled a prank on my "son" (out here in the mission anyone you train is called your son and you are their daddy). We pretended like Eva was a psycho anti chick and her husband was a member and my companion was in the bathroom and she started screaming and telling us to get out when he got out I was like we gotta go! and then he ran out and tried to open the door but couldn't and she came around da corner with a bb gun haha it was so funny!I love the ward. Bishop Jensen lived in Riverton. You should add him on FB. Jess Jensen. Or Jenson? But i'm really enjoying it right now. A big Tahitian elder that is in our district is teaching me how to play the ukulele. It will take a little bit of time. Thank you so much for that again! Have a wonderful week!!!!
Be positive! Stay strong!
Happy new year hope it was a good one! Things here are pretty good. The transfer is two weeks from being over. I love it here on Kauai. I never want to leave this place. It definitely will be depressing when I have to leave. We have a baptism coming up this Saturday for 8 yr old Isaiah. It will be a convert baptism because his parents aren't
members. The ward goal is 12 for the year and it will be good to get the year started off right. Loved the pictures, looks like everyone is happy and doing good! 2011 flew by so fast. I've never been to that midget hot chocolate. Sounds pretty funny though.
So that's awesome you do family home evening every Sunday now. That is really good! We go to FHE with the Kaui family every Monday. It's really fun and they are one of my favorite families. There is more than one family that goes over there but its way fun! For new years we went to a members house in another ward. We were able to stay out till
1230. It was cool/different. A ton of fireworks were there but we weren't allowed to shoot any off. Today we went on a 4 mile hike. It looked just like any old hike in Utah but it was cool to do something besides just play basketball all the time. How is everything going at home? Tell T.J.,Delainey, Austin, and his chick Brittany all congratulations. That really is quite something. This week was really good in finding. we found 2 new investigators and they are pretty solid. We are going to mass next week. We tracted into a family and the lady said we could teach her and her family as long as we go to mass with them. So we called President Dalton and he sought for revelation while I was on the phone with him and he said yes. I'm pretty excited! I never want to leave this area, I know I'm going to soon andIi will be crushed. but wherever I go the Lord needs me there. We talked to Aunty Eva this past week. We pulled a prank on my "son" (out here in the mission anyone you train is called your son and you are their daddy). We pretended like Eva was a psycho anti chick and her husband was a member and my companion was in the bathroom and she started screaming and telling us to get out when he got out I was like we gotta go! and then he ran out and tried to open the door but couldn't and she came around da corner with a bb gun haha it was so funny!I love the ward. Bishop Jensen lived in Riverton. You should add him on FB. Jess Jensen. Or Jenson? But i'm really enjoying it right now. A big Tahitian elder that is in our district is teaching me how to play the ukulele. It will take a little bit of time. Thank you so much for that again! Have a wonderful week!!!!
Be positive! Stay strong!
Week #27
December 26, 2011
It was really good to talk to all of you guys. It feels like I haven't even left! So I'm definitely loving Kauai. Can't believe I've been out almost seven months. It feels like a dream. Austin told me that it just goes by even faster.
So I really dont have a whole lot to say cause we just talked yesterday. I'm very grateful that I was able to talk to you yesterday. It was a great Christmas! Thanks again for the Ukulele and all the gifts! I definitely don't need snacks for quite awhile haha. I hope you have fun in Idaho! Tell grandma and grandpa their package is on their way. Tell them that I love them too! I love you guys so very much and I'm so glad I was able to talk to you guys for Christmas. Tell Everyone I say hi!
Elder Hudson
It was really good to talk to all of you guys. It feels like I haven't even left! So I'm definitely loving Kauai. Can't believe I've been out almost seven months. It feels like a dream. Austin told me that it just goes by even faster.
So I really dont have a whole lot to say cause we just talked yesterday. I'm very grateful that I was able to talk to you yesterday. It was a great Christmas! Thanks again for the Ukulele and all the gifts! I definitely don't need snacks for quite awhile haha. I hope you have fun in Idaho! Tell grandma and grandpa their package is on their way. Tell them that I love them too! I love you guys so very much and I'm so glad I was able to talk to you guys for Christmas. Tell Everyone I say hi!
Elder Hudson
Week #26
December 19, 2011
I can't wait to talk on the phone! So excited. Can't believe it's been six months already! I will be calling about 1 pm here which means it will be about 4 pm there. Is that ok. I have no idea how to Skype, so I'll just call from our phone. Christmas Eve we are going to Wes Kaui's house for a party. And Sister Wolffe's before that. Wes Kaui throws a big party every year I guess. Christmas day we are going to the Allen's house. Our ward mission leader. His son Griffin added me on facebook, I think. They are making crepes for breakfast and then I think we are going to Brother Arume's house for dinner...I think...and I'm calling home, of course! My new companion's name is Elder Moore from Pocatello. I sent you guys a package for Christmas. I hope you all like it. I really didn't know what to send. I heard from Caleb and Carl Ahlberg. It was so good to hear from them. Thanks for all you do. Talk to you Sunday!
Elder Hudson
I can't wait to talk on the phone! So excited. Can't believe it's been six months already! I will be calling about 1 pm here which means it will be about 4 pm there. Is that ok. I have no idea how to Skype, so I'll just call from our phone. Christmas Eve we are going to Wes Kaui's house for a party. And Sister Wolffe's before that. Wes Kaui throws a big party every year I guess. Christmas day we are going to the Allen's house. Our ward mission leader. His son Griffin added me on facebook, I think. They are making crepes for breakfast and then I think we are going to Brother Arume's house for dinner...I think...and I'm calling home, of course! My new companion's name is Elder Moore from Pocatello. I sent you guys a package for Christmas. I hope you all like it. I really didn't know what to send. I heard from Caleb and Carl Ahlberg. It was so good to hear from them. Thanks for all you do. Talk to you Sunday!
Elder Hudson
Week #25
December 12, 2011
Things are better. No need to worry. I'm doing much better. I'm training a new Elder. I'm kinda nervous and excited at the same time. I will be with him for 3 months guaranteed. That's how long the new training program is that the Church set up. I'm excited. I definitely know this calling is from the Lord. I'm glad you like the pictures that I sent home. I definitely miss Makaha a ton. We had dinner with Aunty Bev the other night. She took us to a fancy steak house. Everyone on Kauai knows who she is. She is pretty famous. She ate a huge prime rib by herself, she is so cool! I also gave a blessing to her friend who is the mother in law of Karen Forsythe in my last area. I didn't influence Ron and Tracey to serve missions. The Lord prepares his servants for sure. He puts people in others lives to help them progress. The Lord works in mysterious ways. It's crazy. I can't believe I have been out for 6 months. I got to burn a tie finally. I burned the blue paisley tie. It was so faded from my last area. I live on a street called Ohia. We live in the church right by a shed pretty much. Make sure when I get home I do not date any off the wall girls! We have a baptism next Saturday for 8 year old Isaiah. He wants me to baptize him. I'm going Christmas shopping either today or next Monday. What is going on in the world? Is it still one the down hill slide? Any beautiful girls that will write me that you know of? Thanks for yours and paige's letter this past week. It helped a lot! This mission truly has helped me focus on the important things in my life and its the best place to perfect ourselves. I can't wait to talk to you in 13 days!
Elder Hudson
Things are better. No need to worry. I'm doing much better. I'm training a new Elder. I'm kinda nervous and excited at the same time. I will be with him for 3 months guaranteed. That's how long the new training program is that the Church set up. I'm excited. I definitely know this calling is from the Lord. I'm glad you like the pictures that I sent home. I definitely miss Makaha a ton. We had dinner with Aunty Bev the other night. She took us to a fancy steak house. Everyone on Kauai knows who she is. She is pretty famous. She ate a huge prime rib by herself, she is so cool! I also gave a blessing to her friend who is the mother in law of Karen Forsythe in my last area. I didn't influence Ron and Tracey to serve missions. The Lord prepares his servants for sure. He puts people in others lives to help them progress. The Lord works in mysterious ways. It's crazy. I can't believe I have been out for 6 months. I got to burn a tie finally. I burned the blue paisley tie. It was so faded from my last area. I live on a street called Ohia. We live in the church right by a shed pretty much. Make sure when I get home I do not date any off the wall girls! We have a baptism next Saturday for 8 year old Isaiah. He wants me to baptize him. I'm going Christmas shopping either today or next Monday. What is going on in the world? Is it still one the down hill slide? Any beautiful girls that will write me that you know of? Thanks for yours and paige's letter this past week. It helped a lot! This mission truly has helped me focus on the important things in my life and its the best place to perfect ourselves. I can't wait to talk to you in 13 days!
Elder Hudson
Week #24
December 5, 2011
I'm not going to lie, I'm not liking this too much right now. It's not my companion or anything, I just feel kinda down. Not sure why. I'm just struggling right now. Tell Austin congrats about getting the girlfriend baptized. That's awesome. Congrats on drill. That's awesome. Some day we will get by Bingham. So this past week nothing too exciting happened. I feel unmotivated it's like I've forgotten my purpose. I sent pictures to you guys so they should be coming soon. Sorry this letter is a downer. I'm just in a funk. Thanks for all you do.
Elder Hudson
I'm not going to lie, I'm not liking this too much right now. It's not my companion or anything, I just feel kinda down. Not sure why. I'm just struggling right now. Tell Austin congrats about getting the girlfriend baptized. That's awesome. Congrats on drill. That's awesome. Some day we will get by Bingham. So this past week nothing too exciting happened. I feel unmotivated it's like I've forgotten my purpose. I sent pictures to you guys so they should be coming soon. Sorry this letter is a downer. I'm just in a funk. Thanks for all you do.
Elder Hudson
Week #23
November 28, 2011
Thanks for all of the packages. I got them all, contacts, garments, etc. facebook page stuff! Thanks so much :) they all made my day! Thanksgiving was ok. We had two huge dinners. Uh I need to start working out better haha. Went to brother Allen's house who is our ward mission leader. Then the Kaui family. We ate at their house and they made me try raw fish. called Pok'e. It was gross! I can't wait to come home and make all sorts of food though. You guys will love it. We got to just relax on Thanksgiving it was really nice. I'm definitely taking lots of pictures! I will be sending some soon! I'm making a cd today so they will be sent tomorrow. Yeah black Friday is a joke. They had to shut down wal mart because they were so packed. It was ridiculous.
This past week was kinda slow. We have an investigator with a baptism date though! His name is Isaiah and he is 8 years old. He is getting baptized on December 17th. He says he wants me to baptize him. But we will see. I'm excited for that. Any big plans for Christmas? Whose house is it at this year? How is nan doing? Mike and Tracy? Hope all is well. I would really like to talk to Melina some time or another. Just know that I don't care if they wait for me or not to get married. I mean 18 months is a long time to wait to get married. Just tell them do get married when they want. This next sentence is for Melina.." Melina hello there, i really cant wait to meet you/talk to you one day. Just know that i'm looking very forward to meeting you. If you and Jake decide to get married before I get home, no worries. I really wouldn't mind! I'm definitely appreciative with the impact you have had on Jake's life. When the time is right.... don't wait for me to be there!"
No worries about Aunty Eva. She is cool but she is SO busy. I would like an ukulele for Christmas. Just put the money in my account. ill find out how much it costs.
Tomorrow is zone conference I'm excited for that. We get to watch a Christmas movie. It's supposed to be Remember the Titans so we will see! Our church on Christmas starts at 11 and ends at 12. some elders say to give a pre call. Meaning I'll call the night before just to tell you the time I will call you.
Elder Hudson
Thanks for all of the packages. I got them all, contacts, garments, etc. facebook page stuff! Thanks so much :) they all made my day! Thanksgiving was ok. We had two huge dinners. Uh I need to start working out better haha. Went to brother Allen's house who is our ward mission leader. Then the Kaui family. We ate at their house and they made me try raw fish. called Pok'e. It was gross! I can't wait to come home and make all sorts of food though. You guys will love it. We got to just relax on Thanksgiving it was really nice. I'm definitely taking lots of pictures! I will be sending some soon! I'm making a cd today so they will be sent tomorrow. Yeah black Friday is a joke. They had to shut down wal mart because they were so packed. It was ridiculous.
This past week was kinda slow. We have an investigator with a baptism date though! His name is Isaiah and he is 8 years old. He is getting baptized on December 17th. He says he wants me to baptize him. But we will see. I'm excited for that. Any big plans for Christmas? Whose house is it at this year? How is nan doing? Mike and Tracy? Hope all is well. I would really like to talk to Melina some time or another. Just know that I don't care if they wait for me or not to get married. I mean 18 months is a long time to wait to get married. Just tell them do get married when they want. This next sentence is for Melina.." Melina hello there, i really cant wait to meet you/talk to you one day. Just know that i'm looking very forward to meeting you. If you and Jake decide to get married before I get home, no worries. I really wouldn't mind! I'm definitely appreciative with the impact you have had on Jake's life. When the time is right.... don't wait for me to be there!"
No worries about Aunty Eva. She is cool but she is SO busy. I would like an ukulele for Christmas. Just put the money in my account. ill find out how much it costs.
Tomorrow is zone conference I'm excited for that. We get to watch a Christmas movie. It's supposed to be Remember the Titans so we will see! Our church on Christmas starts at 11 and ends at 12. some elders say to give a pre call. Meaning I'll call the night before just to tell you the time I will call you.
Elder Hudson
Week #22
November 22, 2011
I have had a pretty good birthday I guess. We went on an 8 mile hike to the most beautiful place I've ever been to. I'll send pictures. Hanakapi'ai Falls, I think it was called. I can't believe I'm 20 years old! No longer a teenager. Seems like just yesterday I was turning 10 years old. I'm loving the area, it's so beautiful and the people are pretty cool. This week a lady told us we are on path to hell and that we need to seriously pray about what we are doing. I told her I did pray or else I wouldn't be out here and how dare she say we were on a path to hell when she doesn't even know what we are sharing. I was so mad! But, I've changed on my mission, instead of instantly not liking the person, I just said whatever and forgot about it. Then we were tracting again and some guy swerved his van by us and tried to splash us with a huge puddle. Some people are rude. We have only 3 investigators we teach. Two are Aunty Eva's kids. Le'rae and her brother. They are way cool. I love their family. We haven't eaten with Aunty Bev yet. We are eating at the ward mish leaders house on Thanksgiving. Brother Allen, he is cool and way funny. I really like the ward here. I miss home today on my birthday. I am glad Ron is going on a mission. Africa? hahaha! That fits him perfectly! I'm happy for him. I got Alissa's video! That was so cool. I miss her, too! I miss all my friends and my family! The picture that Keeshia sent to me at the cheer game really touched my heart. You really should talk to Aunty Eva when you can. She is really cool. She is a hoot! Stay strong! Ofa atu!!!
Elder Hudson
I have had a pretty good birthday I guess. We went on an 8 mile hike to the most beautiful place I've ever been to. I'll send pictures. Hanakapi'ai Falls, I think it was called. I can't believe I'm 20 years old! No longer a teenager. Seems like just yesterday I was turning 10 years old. I'm loving the area, it's so beautiful and the people are pretty cool. This week a lady told us we are on path to hell and that we need to seriously pray about what we are doing. I told her I did pray or else I wouldn't be out here and how dare she say we were on a path to hell when she doesn't even know what we are sharing. I was so mad! But, I've changed on my mission, instead of instantly not liking the person, I just said whatever and forgot about it. Then we were tracting again and some guy swerved his van by us and tried to splash us with a huge puddle. Some people are rude. We have only 3 investigators we teach. Two are Aunty Eva's kids. Le'rae and her brother. They are way cool. I love their family. We haven't eaten with Aunty Bev yet. We are eating at the ward mish leaders house on Thanksgiving. Brother Allen, he is cool and way funny. I really like the ward here. I miss home today on my birthday. I am glad Ron is going on a mission. Africa? hahaha! That fits him perfectly! I'm happy for him. I got Alissa's video! That was so cool. I miss her, too! I miss all my friends and my family! The picture that Keeshia sent to me at the cheer game really touched my heart. You really should talk to Aunty Eva when you can. She is really cool. She is a hoot! Stay strong! Ofa atu!!!
Elder Hudson
Week #21
November 15, 2011
It's going really well. I'm loving it here in Kapa'a. It's gorgeous!!! This definitely is the most beauful of all the islands. It's definitely country! I love it though. So green, waterfalls on the mountains, it rains quite a bit, the people are cool, the houses are nice. I love it here! It feels like a dream, it feels like home. We can't see the beach from where we live...but, it's way close. We can go anywhere, just not on the sand. That's it. I really want an ukulele, almost every elder here has one. I'm in a driving area. I miss the biking though. A lot more exercise! Aunty Eva is a member. We are working with her 18 year old daugher and 8 year old son. They should be baptized soon. She is so festive! She was having Michale Buble' Christmas music in her house setting up decorations already for Christmas. I like her a lot and her family, too! For our ward Christmas party we are going to something called the Fern Grotto. I'm not sure what it is but I hear it's really cool and the ward is really excited. I'm absolutely loving it here. Tell the Rich's thanks for the Ensign and goodies. I will be writing them a letter back for sure. Tell Bryan Taylor I say "what's up"! My mission has really opened my eyes. I really have done so much better with the way I look at people. I honestly have started to love everyone. It makes life a whole lot easier. Thanks for all you do!
Elder Hudson
It's going really well. I'm loving it here in Kapa'a. It's gorgeous!!! This definitely is the most beauful of all the islands. It's definitely country! I love it though. So green, waterfalls on the mountains, it rains quite a bit, the people are cool, the houses are nice. I love it here! It feels like a dream, it feels like home. We can't see the beach from where we live...but, it's way close. We can go anywhere, just not on the sand. That's it. I really want an ukulele, almost every elder here has one. I'm in a driving area. I miss the biking though. A lot more exercise! Aunty Eva is a member. We are working with her 18 year old daugher and 8 year old son. They should be baptized soon. She is so festive! She was having Michale Buble' Christmas music in her house setting up decorations already for Christmas. I like her a lot and her family, too! For our ward Christmas party we are going to something called the Fern Grotto. I'm not sure what it is but I hear it's really cool and the ward is really excited. I'm absolutely loving it here. Tell the Rich's thanks for the Ensign and goodies. I will be writing them a letter back for sure. Tell Bryan Taylor I say "what's up"! My mission has really opened my eyes. I really have done so much better with the way I look at people. I honestly have started to love everyone. It makes life a whole lot easier. Thanks for all you do!
Elder Hudson
Week #20
New Area - Kauai, Hawaii "The Garden Isle"
November 7, 2011
So I'm in a new area called Kapa'a. It's on Kauai. It's beautiful here, but I miss my old area so much! That place was like my home. My companion is Elder Cart. He goes home to Washington in about 6 weeks. My new place is connected to the church. It's just a two man place, so that will be an adjustment from my last home. I haven't met any new people yet except for my new bishop. His name is Bishop Jensen and he used to live by Eric White's old house about 7 years ago. Weird, huh! My new area is beautiful! It looks just like the jungle, which is exactly how I've always pictured Hawaii to look. We had stake conference yesterday. President Eyring spoke. He is my favorite.
Elder Hudson
November 7, 2011
So I'm in a new area called Kapa'a. It's on Kauai. It's beautiful here, but I miss my old area so much! That place was like my home. My companion is Elder Cart. He goes home to Washington in about 6 weeks. My new place is connected to the church. It's just a two man place, so that will be an adjustment from my last home. I haven't met any new people yet except for my new bishop. His name is Bishop Jensen and he used to live by Eric White's old house about 7 years ago. Weird, huh! My new area is beautiful! It looks just like the jungle, which is exactly how I've always pictured Hawaii to look. We had stake conference yesterday. President Eyring spoke. He is my favorite.
Elder Hudson
Week #19
October 31, 2011
Well, I'm getting transferred to another island! I'm not sure which island, I won't find out until Wedneday when I go to the airport. I'm way sad I'm leaving this area. It's like my home away from home, but I'm also excited at the same time. Maybe I'll go to Maui or somewhere cool like that. It was an ok week. Nothing too exciting or interesting happened. I bore my testimony in church telling everyone I was leaving. They gave me leighs around my neck and a ton of candy. I'm sad that I'm leaving! It will be so hard to pack and everything. We have to get to the airport at 5:30 am on Wednesday. I'm stoked to go off island, everyone says off island is so much nicer than Oahu. I'll get you my information as soon as I find out. Stay strong! Pray hard!!!
Elder Hudson
Well, I'm getting transferred to another island! I'm not sure which island, I won't find out until Wedneday when I go to the airport. I'm way sad I'm leaving this area. It's like my home away from home, but I'm also excited at the same time. Maybe I'll go to Maui or somewhere cool like that. It was an ok week. Nothing too exciting or interesting happened. I bore my testimony in church telling everyone I was leaving. They gave me leighs around my neck and a ton of candy. I'm sad that I'm leaving! It will be so hard to pack and everything. We have to get to the airport at 5:30 am on Wednesday. I'm stoked to go off island, everyone says off island is so much nicer than Oahu. I'll get you my information as soon as I find out. Stay strong! Pray hard!!!
Elder Hudson
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