Monday, November 14, 2011

Week #18

October 25, 2011
This week was pretty good! It's like something FINALLY clicked when I hit my 4 month mark. This is my home! This is where I need to be no doubt about it! Transfers are coming up next week. I have been here 4.5 months. I think I might be getting transferred. But we will see! Jaymen, the 15 year old that we baptized received the Priesthood yesterday and is a teacher. He is way tight! Our ward mission leader confirmed the priesthood. My ward mission leader's name is Brother Crabbe, he served his mission in Riverton about 3 years ago! How crazy is that! Honestly, my favorite part about missionary work is seeing the inactive mebmers that we work with come back to church. One of my favorite sister's husband is inactive and after visiting with him this past week he came to church on Sunday. It seriously was like welcoming a brother home!! It was an amazing feeling! I am truly enjoying my time out here in the mission field. I don't know what the heck I would be doing if I was back home! I'm glad to hear that everyone is good. I've almost been out 5 months. I love my companion , he is way cool. The best thing that our family can be doing right now is gaining a stronger testimony of the Bood of Mormon. As you can tell, people are persecuting us. But as long as we have a testimony, it can't be taken away from us. With all the persecution raging, people have forgotten the most simple steps! 1. Faith. 2. Prayer. 3. Church. 4 Charity. These 4 steps will help anyone gain a testimony and knowledge of the Book of Mormon and TRUTHFULLNESS of this Gospel. Jesusus Christ lives, Joseph Smith did restore the church THROUGH our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. Thanks so much for the package you sent! I love the pictures! Everyone looks happy and healhty! Thank you for all you do. Commit yourselves!
Elder Hudson

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