Monday, November 14, 2011

Week #17

October 17, 2011
I can't believe another week is gone! It was a pretty good week. We have a new investigator named Diamond. He wants to get baptized and said that he has been searching for the true church and loves the feeling he gets when he comes to church! My companion and I taught Gospel Principles class and it was way spiritual. We taught about eternal marriage and there were about 4 people in there that aren't married in the temple and their spouse/girlfriend doesn't want anything to do with the church. Our ward doesn't do a good job with home teaching and stuff like that. One of my favorite sisters went off about how the missionaries are the only ones who go and see her. The class needed to hear that. We helped her and it turned out the whole class started crying and stuff. It made me realize how much I love to help people! We are working very hard. So we have a Marshallese investigator named Miam. We have some extra Marshallese Books of Mormon and I think I'm going to try and learn that language. That would be pretty cool!
Elder Hudson

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