October 25, 2011
This week was pretty good! It's like something FINALLY clicked when I hit my 4 month mark. This is my home! This is where I need to be no doubt about it! Transfers are coming up next week. I have been here 4.5 months. I think I might be getting transferred. But we will see! Jaymen, the 15 year old that we baptized received the Priesthood yesterday and is a teacher. He is way tight! Our ward mission leader confirmed the priesthood. My ward mission leader's name is Brother Crabbe, he served his mission in Riverton about 3 years ago! How crazy is that! Honestly, my favorite part about missionary work is seeing the inactive mebmers that we work with come back to church. One of my favorite sister's husband is inactive and after visiting with him this past week he came to church on Sunday. It seriously was like welcoming a brother home!! It was an amazing feeling! I am truly enjoying my time out here in the mission field. I don't know what the heck I would be doing if I was back home! I'm glad to hear that everyone is good. I've almost been out 5 months. I love my companion , he is way cool. The best thing that our family can be doing right now is gaining a stronger testimony of the Bood of Mormon. As you can tell, people are persecuting us. But as long as we have a testimony, it can't be taken away from us. With all the persecution raging, people have forgotten the most simple steps! 1. Faith. 2. Prayer. 3. Church. 4 Charity. These 4 steps will help anyone gain a testimony and knowledge of the Book of Mormon and TRUTHFULLNESS of this Gospel. Jesusus Christ lives, Joseph Smith did restore the church THROUGH our Father in Heaven and Jesus Christ. Thanks so much for the package you sent! I love the pictures! Everyone looks happy and healhty! Thank you for all you do. Commit yourselves!
Elder Hudson

Monday, November 14, 2011
Week #17
October 17, 2011
I can't believe another week is gone! It was a pretty good week. We have a new investigator named Diamond. He wants to get baptized and said that he has been searching for the true church and loves the feeling he gets when he comes to church! My companion and I taught Gospel Principles class and it was way spiritual. We taught about eternal marriage and there were about 4 people in there that aren't married in the temple and their spouse/girlfriend doesn't want anything to do with the church. Our ward doesn't do a good job with home teaching and stuff like that. One of my favorite sisters went off about how the missionaries are the only ones who go and see her. The class needed to hear that. We helped her and it turned out the whole class started crying and stuff. It made me realize how much I love to help people! We are working very hard. So we have a Marshallese investigator named Miam. We have some extra Marshallese Books of Mormon and I think I'm going to try and learn that language. That would be pretty cool!
Elder Hudson
I can't believe another week is gone! It was a pretty good week. We have a new investigator named Diamond. He wants to get baptized and said that he has been searching for the true church and loves the feeling he gets when he comes to church! My companion and I taught Gospel Principles class and it was way spiritual. We taught about eternal marriage and there were about 4 people in there that aren't married in the temple and their spouse/girlfriend doesn't want anything to do with the church. Our ward doesn't do a good job with home teaching and stuff like that. One of my favorite sisters went off about how the missionaries are the only ones who go and see her. The class needed to hear that. We helped her and it turned out the whole class started crying and stuff. It made me realize how much I love to help people! We are working very hard. So we have a Marshallese investigator named Miam. We have some extra Marshallese Books of Mormon and I think I'm going to try and learn that language. That would be pretty cool!
Elder Hudson
Week #16
October 11, 2011
We baptized Jaymen last Saturday. He is a way cool kid. I baptized him and my companion confirmed him. The week went pretty well! I can't believe I've been out 4 months haha! Hawaii is starting to feel like home to me. Which is really good. We have an interview with President Dalton today. Each missionary has one every other transfer. This morning I woke up and prayed to ask for help for my companion and me to find an elect investigator, meaning someone who really was and is prepared for us. I have faith tht will happen! Let's, see, our neighbors across the street fight every day and the cops are called a lot. We find it funny, but is is pretty sketchy at the same time. Not a whole lot else has happened here. So I talked to Vincent and Lesle Brown yesterday telling them how they would get a long with you guys.
The mission really has taught me a lot of things that I would not have learned if I stayed home. I love the scriptures and I love learning. Everytime I think about Jesus Christ, I know He is real. One thing that I have really tried working on is being less judgmental of people. I love the change that I'm seeing in myslelf. Thanks for all you do. Stay strong!
Elder Hudson
We baptized Jaymen last Saturday. He is a way cool kid. I baptized him and my companion confirmed him. The week went pretty well! I can't believe I've been out 4 months haha! Hawaii is starting to feel like home to me. Which is really good. We have an interview with President Dalton today. Each missionary has one every other transfer. This morning I woke up and prayed to ask for help for my companion and me to find an elect investigator, meaning someone who really was and is prepared for us. I have faith tht will happen! Let's, see, our neighbors across the street fight every day and the cops are called a lot. We find it funny, but is is pretty sketchy at the same time. Not a whole lot else has happened here. So I talked to Vincent and Lesle Brown yesterday telling them how they would get a long with you guys.
The mission really has taught me a lot of things that I would not have learned if I stayed home. I love the scriptures and I love learning. Everytime I think about Jesus Christ, I know He is real. One thing that I have really tried working on is being less judgmental of people. I love the change that I'm seeing in myslelf. Thanks for all you do. Stay strong!
Elder Hudson
Week #15
October 3, 2011
Things are pretty good. I loved Conference, we watched all 10 hours and I took diligent notes. We watched it at our chapel, it was really cool. They talked about the things I needed to hear. Like being in the world but not of it. We get fed by members every night so we never worry about that. I love hearing about Jake and Melina. For some reason I just have a good feeling about her. And she wants to write me to get to know me more so I definitely approve. We have a baptism this week. 15 year old Jaymen. I'm so stoked! It's been too long since our last baptism, but it will be awesome. Either me or my companion will baptize him. I don't really care who does as long as he gets baptized. My companion and I had to give a talk at a recent Tongan baptism. I hote to be transferred to a Tongan ward sometime. I would love to come knowing Tongan! So we went to Laie last week and went to the temple, it was so beautiful there. The whole time in the temple, I don't know why, but marriage was on my mind. I know I still have awhile but I am excited to get married!
Thanks so much for all you do and for the love you show me!
Elder Hudson
Things are pretty good. I loved Conference, we watched all 10 hours and I took diligent notes. We watched it at our chapel, it was really cool. They talked about the things I needed to hear. Like being in the world but not of it. We get fed by members every night so we never worry about that. I love hearing about Jake and Melina. For some reason I just have a good feeling about her. And she wants to write me to get to know me more so I definitely approve. We have a baptism this week. 15 year old Jaymen. I'm so stoked! It's been too long since our last baptism, but it will be awesome. Either me or my companion will baptize him. I don't really care who does as long as he gets baptized. My companion and I had to give a talk at a recent Tongan baptism. I hote to be transferred to a Tongan ward sometime. I would love to come knowing Tongan! So we went to Laie last week and went to the temple, it was so beautiful there. The whole time in the temple, I don't know why, but marriage was on my mind. I know I still have awhile but I am excited to get married!
Thanks so much for all you do and for the love you show me!
Elder Hudson
Week #14
September 19, 2011
Well another week down. Nothing too exciting has happened. My companion, Elder Robbins, and I are staying together another transfer. I really like him, but am getting tired of the area, even though I love the people. So after this transfer I'll be here four and a half months. This transfer we have a new zone leader and both of them are strictly obedient. We haven't had any commitments with any of our investigators. We are working hard. We played basketball with one of our investigators named Thomas. I've definitely grown a lot, I can't wait to see what I'm like in 21 months. I will get to go to to the temple around general conference weekend. You only get to go to the temple four times a year if you are on the islands where the two temples are at. Send some pictures from home so I can see people!
Elder Hudson
Well another week down. Nothing too exciting has happened. My companion, Elder Robbins, and I are staying together another transfer. I really like him, but am getting tired of the area, even though I love the people. So after this transfer I'll be here four and a half months. This transfer we have a new zone leader and both of them are strictly obedient. We haven't had any commitments with any of our investigators. We are working hard. We played basketball with one of our investigators named Thomas. I've definitely grown a lot, I can't wait to see what I'm like in 21 months. I will get to go to to the temple around general conference weekend. You only get to go to the temple four times a year if you are on the islands where the two temples are at. Send some pictures from home so I can see people!
Elder Hudson
Week #13
September 5, 2011
Dear Riverton Drill Team,
I can't thank you enough for the notes you sent me. It definitely made my week! I sure do miss walking into your practices and seeing your bright smiling faces! Haha! I hope everything is going well for you girls as this year is starting off. I definitely wish I could see how you do this year! There will be good times for you girls this year and times where you may struggle. But that's life! I've noticed out here that life is a lot more important than letting struggles get in the way of the important things. Focus on those important things in life. You girls have a great team and great potential this year. Don't let the stupid things get in the way. Just to name a few: drama, boys...enough said? You're a team and will do great things. I'll have my mom update me on everything, well, maybe not "everything", but on some things. Again, I can't thank you girls enough for the letters. It put a smile on my face and it made me work a little harder that day. Girls, know that whenever you have a hard time in life, the BEST person you could ever turn to is your Father in Heaven. I wouldn't be saying that if I didn't know it was true. Keep up the hard work! Can't wait to hear how you do!
Elder Hudson
P.S. Letters are much appreciated if anyone wants to write me! Haha!
Dear Riverton Drill Team,
I can't thank you enough for the notes you sent me. It definitely made my week! I sure do miss walking into your practices and seeing your bright smiling faces! Haha! I hope everything is going well for you girls as this year is starting off. I definitely wish I could see how you do this year! There will be good times for you girls this year and times where you may struggle. But that's life! I've noticed out here that life is a lot more important than letting struggles get in the way of the important things. Focus on those important things in life. You girls have a great team and great potential this year. Don't let the stupid things get in the way. Just to name a few: drama, boys...enough said? You're a team and will do great things. I'll have my mom update me on everything, well, maybe not "everything", but on some things. Again, I can't thank you girls enough for the letters. It put a smile on my face and it made me work a little harder that day. Girls, know that whenever you have a hard time in life, the BEST person you could ever turn to is your Father in Heaven. I wouldn't be saying that if I didn't know it was true. Keep up the hard work! Can't wait to hear how you do!
Elder Hudson
P.S. Letters are much appreciated if anyone wants to write me! Haha!
Week #12
Well lets see, we have one investigator with a baptism date for October 8th. His name is Jaymen and he is 15 years old! He is a great kid and loves church. I'm way excited for that. We also have a new investigator named Brian. He and his wife divorced she was a member but he never was. We went over and talked to him and he was sick so we asked if he needed a blessing. He said no and we went on our way. This past week he called us and asked if he could meet with us. He said that nobody had ever asked him if he needed a blessing before and he knew that he needed to change and said he is really considering Baptism. So that sure is a miracle right there!
I've almost been out 4 months, pretty crazy! That's 4 months longer than I thought I would be out. This definitely is the toughest but the most worthwhile thing that I've ever done. I truly have felt myself become a better person and I needed that. I wonder what I'll be like when I come home.
I haven't gotten any packages yet. I'll be looking forward to them! K so, I could use some of my t-shirts, I can wait a little while for you to send them. I just ruined some doing service. Thanks for sending me ties that was a need!
No I didn't hear from Shawn Morley. That's too bad cause I was looking forward on seeing him! Dang it! Maybe another time though. I did get a letter from their daughter Krystal though it was the funniest letter. This is what it said, "Hi Elder Hudson, I wish I could see you in person. I'm doing good just so you know and my teacher is great. How is hawaii? I want to get married in the Hawaii temple. Do you have any cool stories? I would love a story" I'm going to write her back and send her a picture of the Laie Temple. Speaking of which we get to go there this Friday. I'm so excited! It takes 2.5 hours to get there from where we live but I'm so excited to go there! We are working so very hard, and when I work hard I notice my days go a lot better and I'm able to focus more on the things I should be focusing on. I would love my white keds by the way! and my black Nike socks if you can find them. Oh so the church has this great DVD called Mormon Messages, they are the best videos ever! Anyway you could find that for me and send it? We use them in lessons and it really brings the spirit to our investigators. You guys would love them too! Nothing else has really been going on that's too exciting. Some people have wanted to fight us, but we just walk away. People are so prideful here, if they went to the mainland they would be in for a shock. We get to watch general conference at the stake center. at 6 am! it will be good though, I'm excited. Tell everyone from the ward hi. Especially Bishop Nielson and Bishop Lipscomb.
Hawaii is starting to feel home to me now which is good. A lot of people think I'm a local boy haha. My hair is even more blonde.
What else is new at home? how is Jake and Paige? Tell everyone hi for me. How is drill going? Have you found an assistant? I need more girls to write me...haha! Soon enough I'll be able to call home! Have a great week!
Elder Hudson
I've almost been out 4 months, pretty crazy! That's 4 months longer than I thought I would be out. This definitely is the toughest but the most worthwhile thing that I've ever done. I truly have felt myself become a better person and I needed that. I wonder what I'll be like when I come home.
I haven't gotten any packages yet. I'll be looking forward to them! K so, I could use some of my t-shirts, I can wait a little while for you to send them. I just ruined some doing service. Thanks for sending me ties that was a need!
No I didn't hear from Shawn Morley. That's too bad cause I was looking forward on seeing him! Dang it! Maybe another time though. I did get a letter from their daughter Krystal though it was the funniest letter. This is what it said, "Hi Elder Hudson, I wish I could see you in person. I'm doing good just so you know and my teacher is great. How is hawaii? I want to get married in the Hawaii temple. Do you have any cool stories? I would love a story" I'm going to write her back and send her a picture of the Laie Temple. Speaking of which we get to go there this Friday. I'm so excited! It takes 2.5 hours to get there from where we live but I'm so excited to go there! We are working so very hard, and when I work hard I notice my days go a lot better and I'm able to focus more on the things I should be focusing on. I would love my white keds by the way! and my black Nike socks if you can find them. Oh so the church has this great DVD called Mormon Messages, they are the best videos ever! Anyway you could find that for me and send it? We use them in lessons and it really brings the spirit to our investigators. You guys would love them too! Nothing else has really been going on that's too exciting. Some people have wanted to fight us, but we just walk away. People are so prideful here, if they went to the mainland they would be in for a shock. We get to watch general conference at the stake center. at 6 am! it will be good though, I'm excited. Tell everyone from the ward hi. Especially Bishop Nielson and Bishop Lipscomb.
Hawaii is starting to feel home to me now which is good. A lot of people think I'm a local boy haha. My hair is even more blonde.
What else is new at home? how is Jake and Paige? Tell everyone hi for me. How is drill going? Have you found an assistant? I need more girls to write me...haha! Soon enough I'll be able to call home! Have a great week!
Elder Hudson
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