Hi Everyone,
This week was ok. Something just clicked the other day. I felt like this really is what I need to be doing. It's like another step in my life that I always needed to have been doing. Austin was right when he said there would be good and bad days. This is the most important thing that I can be doing with my life right now. This is the most important thing that we could all be doing in our lives - living the Gospel. Everyone gets caught up in worldly things and they are not important! Sure, I miss things at home, but when it come down to it, they aren't important and I can't take those things with me in the next life. We have the Gospel and each other and that's what is most important.
Time is flying by. I can't believe I've been gone for almost three moths. We helped a married couple move. The wife reminds me of Alice Gibbons so much. Her name is Lesle Brown and her husband is Vincent Brown. He is from Hurricane. They gave us (the missionaries) a couch and we were so excited. Later that night we visited a less active guy that asked us to bless his non-member brother's house that lives by him. He felt an evil spirit there. We walked into the house and there was NO furniture. He just got out of a nasty divorce. So we went back the next day and surprised him with our couch. It was a good feeling - we definitely didn't need the couch.
We have a lot of investigators, but they really aren't progressing. Thanks for putting my name in the temple, dad - it means a lot! I really felt the spirit this week! We are in the process of working with a lady named, Dolly. She's like 50 years old and doesn't shave her armpits!
I love you all. You make me keep going stronger and I couldn't do this without you. Thanks for you examples. Talk to you soon!
Elder Hudson

Sunday, August 28, 2011
Week #8
This week was tough. It's like one week will be really good and I will forget about everything, then the next week I have pure evil on my shoulders. It's so annoying. Yesterday we were tracting near the end of our area and two gangsters were fighting, the one that lost stumbled over by us and his mouth was bleeding, he said "can you please call the police." He kind of spit blood toward us and that freaked us out a little bit.
Sometimes two years seems likes forever away. I know this is where I need to be it's just really hard to appreciate it sometimes. I hope to do better this week.
Elder Hudson
Sometimes two years seems likes forever away. I know this is where I need to be it's just really hard to appreciate it sometimes. I hope to do better this week.
Elder Hudson
Week #7
I'm writing letters to choke people at home and will send them to you. Choke means "a lot" in pigeon.
This past week went really well. We finally baptized Danielle. I confirmed her in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. The ward here is so awesome. Everyone loves the missionaries. Elder Brough got transferred. My new companion is Elder Robbins from Payson. He knows a girl that I cheered with at Snow named Saige Bertschi. It's a very small world!
I have learned to trust in the Lord which is the most important thing that we could ever do! I'm enjoying it and I'm starting to see the people that I've been sent here for. We are all very blessed. I look at the way we live compared to the people out here. I can't tell you how many 11 and 12 year olds I have seen smoking and drinking. It's so messed up and I can't believe it. We are blessed to be who we are and a part of the true and everlasting gospel.
I wrote a letter for Nate Allred and Justin Welburn. They all wrote me while they were in Fish Lake and I already had these letters ready to send them.
I'm still on the same street and in the same place. I'm in charge of the area cause my new companion hasn't been here before. We have 20 investigators right now. We are working and trying so hard. It's so hard to commit people to coming to church and living the commandments. But we will keep working with them! Elder Robbins and I went to see a lady that Elder Brough never wanted to go see...she is now taking the lessons and she wants to get baptized. The work is good here in Makaha! Elder Robbins is cool, he is definitely country and grew up on a farm. Dad would really like him, haha!
I love the gospel, I love Jesus Christ and my Father in Heaven.
Elder Hudson
I'm writing letters to choke people at home and will send them to you. Choke means "a lot" in pigeon.
This past week went really well. We finally baptized Danielle. I confirmed her in Sacrament meeting on Sunday. The ward here is so awesome. Everyone loves the missionaries. Elder Brough got transferred. My new companion is Elder Robbins from Payson. He knows a girl that I cheered with at Snow named Saige Bertschi. It's a very small world!
I have learned to trust in the Lord which is the most important thing that we could ever do! I'm enjoying it and I'm starting to see the people that I've been sent here for. We are all very blessed. I look at the way we live compared to the people out here. I can't tell you how many 11 and 12 year olds I have seen smoking and drinking. It's so messed up and I can't believe it. We are blessed to be who we are and a part of the true and everlasting gospel.
I wrote a letter for Nate Allred and Justin Welburn. They all wrote me while they were in Fish Lake and I already had these letters ready to send them.
I'm still on the same street and in the same place. I'm in charge of the area cause my new companion hasn't been here before. We have 20 investigators right now. We are working and trying so hard. It's so hard to commit people to coming to church and living the commandments. But we will keep working with them! Elder Robbins and I went to see a lady that Elder Brough never wanted to go see...she is now taking the lessons and she wants to get baptized. The work is good here in Makaha! Elder Robbins is cool, he is definitely country and grew up on a farm. Dad would really like him, haha!
I love the gospel, I love Jesus Christ and my Father in Heaven.
Elder Hudson
Week #6
This week we had dinner with our favorite family, the Browns. Sister Brown reminds me of Alice Gibbons and Brother Brown is from Hurricane. His name is Vincent, see if the 'shaws know him. This week we committed a girl, Danielle, to baptism finally. They have been working with her for 6 months and she finally decided to get baptized. We visited a man named Jack who was way less active, and while we were teaching him I had a specific prompting to ask him to to come to church Sunday and he said he would. He came and he wants to receive the Melchezidek Priesthood. That alone strenghtened my testimony. Alma 38 helps me when I'm struggling. Read it and you'll see why.
Glad you like the pictures. Sorry it took forever to send them, it's so busy allllll the time! I miss Jake and Austin. Austin looks way grown up and so does Jake. I really liked the pictures of TJ's wedding. Thanks for sending those.
The burning of the pants was that missionary's 18 month mark. 6 months is a tie, one year is a shirt. 18 months is pants and when they are pau ("done" in pigeon) they burn a suit.
The work here is so good! I never want to leave this place! There are so many cool families. The Forsythe's are one of our favorite families to visit. I knew their nephew at Snow - crazy!
I am learning to play the ukelele from Brother Forsythe so I can have some new talent to show the ladies back home.
I can definitely start to feel a change in myself It's a very good change. I definitely look at things a lot different. The Lord is always with us.
Elder Hudson
Glad you like the pictures. Sorry it took forever to send them, it's so busy allllll the time! I miss Jake and Austin. Austin looks way grown up and so does Jake. I really liked the pictures of TJ's wedding. Thanks for sending those.
The burning of the pants was that missionary's 18 month mark. 6 months is a tie, one year is a shirt. 18 months is pants and when they are pau ("done" in pigeon) they burn a suit.
The work here is so good! I never want to leave this place! There are so many cool families. The Forsythe's are one of our favorite families to visit. I knew their nephew at Snow - crazy!
I am learning to play the ukelele from Brother Forsythe so I can have some new talent to show the ladies back home.
I can definitely start to feel a change in myself It's a very good change. I definitely look at things a lot different. The Lord is always with us.
Elder Hudson
Week #5
Hello Family!
My week was pretty good. We had another baptism. His name is Daniel and he is 11 years old. His mom is a member but nobody every taught her kids so we are working with her daughter. Danile kind of looks like Mitchell Gray, it's pretty weird!
Glad to hear Paige spoke in church - I'm sure she did a great job. I hear Jake has a girlfriend? How is she? We are still working with the Baptist family, we are trying to set a date. We have another baptism this Saturday and maybe one next week. Transfers are coming up so I should be getting a new companion.
We live in a house, it has one bathroom and two bedrooms. It's pretty small, but I don't mind it. We eat rice everyday. We don't have a lot of choices for breakfast and lunch, because nobody wants to shop when we go shopping! I love the food here, I haven't eaten a whole lot of crazy things. The best ribs that I have ever eaten were here at a member's home. So good! I definitely need to keep exercising haha! We have a lot of new investigators. One lady named Andrea walked up to us and said, "can you please teach me?" ... so we have been teaching her and are working towards baptism.
This is the hardest thing I've ever done and at times I wonder why we feel like this. If we felt the Spirit all the time, there would be no reason for faith. I hope the Lord humbles me so I can become a better instrument for Him. I look forward to every chance I get to email you! I hope all is well and I want to hear about everything good that's going on at home.
Elder Hudson
My week was pretty good. We had another baptism. His name is Daniel and he is 11 years old. His mom is a member but nobody every taught her kids so we are working with her daughter. Danile kind of looks like Mitchell Gray, it's pretty weird!
Glad to hear Paige spoke in church - I'm sure she did a great job. I hear Jake has a girlfriend? How is she? We are still working with the Baptist family, we are trying to set a date. We have another baptism this Saturday and maybe one next week. Transfers are coming up so I should be getting a new companion.
We live in a house, it has one bathroom and two bedrooms. It's pretty small, but I don't mind it. We eat rice everyday. We don't have a lot of choices for breakfast and lunch, because nobody wants to shop when we go shopping! I love the food here, I haven't eaten a whole lot of crazy things. The best ribs that I have ever eaten were here at a member's home. So good! I definitely need to keep exercising haha! We have a lot of new investigators. One lady named Andrea walked up to us and said, "can you please teach me?" ... so we have been teaching her and are working towards baptism.
This is the hardest thing I've ever done and at times I wonder why we feel like this. If we felt the Spirit all the time, there would be no reason for faith. I hope the Lord humbles me so I can become a better instrument for Him. I look forward to every chance I get to email you! I hope all is well and I want to hear about everything good that's going on at home.
Elder Hudson
Week #4
My week last week was kind of tough. Satan was working on me very hard. We had President interviews this week and I felt much better after meeting with President Dalton.
I am loving it here. It's awesome. The work is going really good and we had another baptism last Saturday. Her name is Laysha and she is a 10 year old girl. Her dad showed up for her baptism on Saturday but didn't come back for her confirmation on Sunday. Kind of a sad story...but her baptism was awesome!
I love Mondays so I can talk to all of you. I miss you all!
I knew dad and Paige would enjoy Trek. I had a little trek of my own walking 8 miles on Saturday. We have 6 hopeful baptisms in the next three weeks, the work is moving very fast. I've almost been out two months, it honestly doesn't seem like that long. My whole outlook on life has changed. I've realized how vital and important it is to live the Gospel the best we can each day. Our salvation depends on it!
I got a letter from the Primary, I will write them back today hopefully, we are always SOOOOOO busy. Austin Hinton sent me a letter that his mission president mailed to him and it was an answer to my prayers. How is the ward doing? How is drill? I'm loving it here, the weather is beautiful and I have some cool pictures.
Elder Hudson
P.S. We are teaching the Baptist family again this week and WE WILL commit them to baptism
I am loving it here. It's awesome. The work is going really good and we had another baptism last Saturday. Her name is Laysha and she is a 10 year old girl. Her dad showed up for her baptism on Saturday but didn't come back for her confirmation on Sunday. Kind of a sad story...but her baptism was awesome!
I love Mondays so I can talk to all of you. I miss you all!
I knew dad and Paige would enjoy Trek. I had a little trek of my own walking 8 miles on Saturday. We have 6 hopeful baptisms in the next three weeks, the work is moving very fast. I've almost been out two months, it honestly doesn't seem like that long. My whole outlook on life has changed. I've realized how vital and important it is to live the Gospel the best we can each day. Our salvation depends on it!
I got a letter from the Primary, I will write them back today hopefully, we are always SOOOOOO busy. Austin Hinton sent me a letter that his mission president mailed to him and it was an answer to my prayers. How is the ward doing? How is drill? I'm loving it here, the weather is beautiful and I have some cool pictures.
Elder Hudson
P.S. We are teaching the Baptist family again this week and WE WILL commit them to baptism
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