February 13, 2012
Lets see, nothing too exciting happened this past week just the same old same old. Same stuff different day. We have been finding a lot of new investigators which is nice and everything but none are really progressing. Transfers are in 3 weeks. so crazy. By that time I'll have been out 9 months. I'm almost half way there. I don't know if I'm transferring or staying. I guess we will find out then. Yes return missionaries are great, but I'm tired of people judging people who don't go on missions or come home early. Like it's kind of crazy how people think just because someone doesn't go on a mission they won't be able to provide for their family the same as compared to someone else who went on one. So how was the funeral? That is very sad, how is Katherine holding up? So last week at zone conference our theme is "year of the member." There are 26000 active people in Hawaii. 6 out of 10 member referrals get baptized, and if each of those 26000 members referred one person there would be 15,300 new converts in Hawaii in 2012. How crazy is that! People just need to start opening their mouth and not be afraid to talk to people. It's tough but imagine 6 of your closest friends entering into the waters of baptism. Imagine the Gray's getting baptized. There are six of them.
How is everything at home? Anything new? Jake still in love, how was Paige's sweethearts? Anything new with you guys???? When are drill try outs? Dad how are the Jazz doing? Keep me posted. My suit coat is so small in the arms and torso. I'm not getting a gut, just wider hahaha. Did I tell you the mission was doing a biggest loser comp? Well, everyone in our zone gained weight so we lost hahaha. That was funny.
Elder Hudson
P.S. Just tell Emily I say hi back. Oh yeah people have been writing me on my Kauai address which is great, but I wont be here forever!!!!!!! Make sure its the Honolulu address. Thanks LOVE YOU GUYS!!!!! Looking forward to the package and thanks for all you guys do. Happy Valentines day.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Week #33
February 6, 2012
How the heck are you? I know that I'm writing you both the same time. Honestly its so hard for me to fit in everything I want to say to both of you so I am going to write both of you today. Know that I love both of you very much and I love your emails. I'm still on Kauai and might be for a little bit longer. Transfers are March 7th, I will not be leaving until then if I do. My greeny and I got in a car wreck yesterday. He was driving, he wasn't looking both ways and we got t boned, nothing serious just a bump.
We are having some struggles lately. I'll write again soon.
Love, Elder Hudson
How the heck are you? I know that I'm writing you both the same time. Honestly its so hard for me to fit in everything I want to say to both of you so I am going to write both of you today. Know that I love both of you very much and I love your emails. I'm still on Kauai and might be for a little bit longer. Transfers are March 7th, I will not be leaving until then if I do. My greeny and I got in a car wreck yesterday. He was driving, he wasn't looking both ways and we got t boned, nothing serious just a bump.
We are having some struggles lately. I'll write again soon.
Love, Elder Hudson
Week #32
January 30, 2012
How's it? I had a pretty good week. We found 3 new investigators this past week. One lady was named Sandy. We challenged her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and she said "I don't need to read it cause I already know its true". It was a cool experience! Just another Testimony builder for me. I have started reading Jesus the Christ. Have you ever read that? It's tough but I will come to know Him better I think. You bet i will cherish this. It's tough. So tough but so worth it. Before I know it I'll be out a year. So crazy. I'm glad that Jake is happy. I'm glad that you guys are happy too! Haha i could just picture you guys sitting with your binoculars hahaha. That's cool. We don't really have very many investigators progressing towards baptism. It is kinda slow, but it will start picking up soon I'm sure. We just need to keep working hard. One of the gators we found is Bob Wolff; his wife was a recent convert of last year. Our wml Bro Allen went with us. You would like Bro Allen. He reminds me of you, dad. He is a cool guy. He is building a subdivision over here, and he told me I could come work for him when I get back. That would be cool. I love hearing about your mission. So tell me about training Cutler? how was that? How long were you out when that happened? Do you guys still keep in touch? I would love to keep in touch with so many people out here. I can't wait to come back with you guys and show you around. Thanks for your example and your love you have shown for me!
Love, Elder Hudson
How's it? I had a pretty good week. We found 3 new investigators this past week. One lady was named Sandy. We challenged her to read and pray about the Book of Mormon and she said "I don't need to read it cause I already know its true". It was a cool experience! Just another Testimony builder for me. I have started reading Jesus the Christ. Have you ever read that? It's tough but I will come to know Him better I think. You bet i will cherish this. It's tough. So tough but so worth it. Before I know it I'll be out a year. So crazy. I'm glad that Jake is happy. I'm glad that you guys are happy too! Haha i could just picture you guys sitting with your binoculars hahaha. That's cool. We don't really have very many investigators progressing towards baptism. It is kinda slow, but it will start picking up soon I'm sure. We just need to keep working hard. One of the gators we found is Bob Wolff; his wife was a recent convert of last year. Our wml Bro Allen went with us. You would like Bro Allen. He reminds me of you, dad. He is a cool guy. He is building a subdivision over here, and he told me I could come work for him when I get back. That would be cool. I love hearing about your mission. So tell me about training Cutler? how was that? How long were you out when that happened? Do you guys still keep in touch? I would love to keep in touch with so many people out here. I can't wait to come back with you guys and show you around. Thanks for your example and your love you have shown for me!
Love, Elder Hudson
Week #31
January 23, 2012
This week was pretty good. Nothing really new. The lady that we went to mass with came to church yesterday. It was really cool. It seemed like the topic that the speakers spoke on were just for her. The last speaker that spoke was a return missionary and he spoke on the Restoration of the Gospel and the Book of Mormon and how we can find out for ourselves that this is true. We weren't able to talk much to her cause she had to leave after, but she wants us to come over and eat with her this week. So we will keep you updated. I can't believe Jake will be getting married. Thats so crazy! Good for him though. I can't wait to hear all about it after he proposes. What is he going to do for it? Be sure to send pictures! Tell Alex Nielson congrats. That's awesome. I've never really heard of anyone going to Scotland before. I'm sure he will be coming back talking way cool! That's so cool! Tell Selena congrats too. That will be awesome. I'm sure she has been waiting a long time for that. That is really cool. That will be such a spiritual experience I'm sure. Is Brandon getting his call soon? So big dawgs went well? I saw Taylor Olney in that picture. hahaha That is so him. Tell himI say hi. That was a fun time with them last year. Feels like it never even happened. I've been emailing my friends out in the Mission field. Like Zack Larsen and all those guys I started hanging out with before I left and we are planning on getting a condo at Dixie together. That would be so freaking cool! I can't believe it, I've almost been out 8
months. Holy cow next thing i know I'll be out a year! So transfers are here and my friend Elder Ence is leaving. I'm kinda bummed, we grew pretty close together and now he is gone. I'll be with my greeny for one more transfer for sure at least. The work is moving quite well here on Kauai. I'm enjoying my time here and never want to leave. But I know I will have to one day. But yeah nothing is really new. That is Sister Aslett's daughter that called you. They are from Davis Utah I think. Sister Asletts husband owns
Varsity Cleaners. I'm sure you've seen them around. Connor Evans dad works for them. Thanks for what you sent me about facebook. I really appreciated it. No i don't have a dvd player. Our apartment doesn't need one but I'm trying to get a portable one. That would be nice. Be sure to let me know how drill goes. I'm sure it will be good. I'll
be praying for you so you wont be stressed and that you will be ok with whatever happens. Good for Paige. that will be fun. I can't believe she is 16 almost. That is so weird! Haha good for Nan! Icould see her at the game. How are the Jazz doing? How is Nan doing? I miss the family for sure! So everything is the same. Still doing the same thing everyday. I'm glad everything is going good! Keep up on the FHE. I love you so much! Thanks for all you do!
Love, Elder Hudson
This week was pretty good. Nothing really new. The lady that we went to mass with came to church yesterday. It was really cool. It seemed like the topic that the speakers spoke on were just for her. The last speaker that spoke was a return missionary and he spoke on the Restoration of the Gospel and the Book of Mormon and how we can find out for ourselves that this is true. We weren't able to talk much to her cause she had to leave after, but she wants us to come over and eat with her this week. So we will keep you updated. I can't believe Jake will be getting married. Thats so crazy! Good for him though. I can't wait to hear all about it after he proposes. What is he going to do for it? Be sure to send pictures! Tell Alex Nielson congrats. That's awesome. I've never really heard of anyone going to Scotland before. I'm sure he will be coming back talking way cool! That's so cool! Tell Selena congrats too. That will be awesome. I'm sure she has been waiting a long time for that. That is really cool. That will be such a spiritual experience I'm sure. Is Brandon getting his call soon? So big dawgs went well? I saw Taylor Olney in that picture. hahaha That is so him. Tell himI say hi. That was a fun time with them last year. Feels like it never even happened. I've been emailing my friends out in the Mission field. Like Zack Larsen and all those guys I started hanging out with before I left and we are planning on getting a condo at Dixie together. That would be so freaking cool! I can't believe it, I've almost been out 8
months. Holy cow next thing i know I'll be out a year! So transfers are here and my friend Elder Ence is leaving. I'm kinda bummed, we grew pretty close together and now he is gone. I'll be with my greeny for one more transfer for sure at least. The work is moving quite well here on Kauai. I'm enjoying my time here and never want to leave. But I know I will have to one day. But yeah nothing is really new. That is Sister Aslett's daughter that called you. They are from Davis Utah I think. Sister Asletts husband owns
Varsity Cleaners. I'm sure you've seen them around. Connor Evans dad works for them. Thanks for what you sent me about facebook. I really appreciated it. No i don't have a dvd player. Our apartment doesn't need one but I'm trying to get a portable one. That would be nice. Be sure to let me know how drill goes. I'm sure it will be good. I'll
be praying for you so you wont be stressed and that you will be ok with whatever happens. Good for Paige. that will be fun. I can't believe she is 16 almost. That is so weird! Haha good for Nan! Icould see her at the game. How are the Jazz doing? How is Nan doing? I miss the family for sure! So everything is the same. Still doing the same thing everyday. I'm glad everything is going good! Keep up on the FHE. I love you so much! Thanks for all you do!
Love, Elder Hudson
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