Thursday, September 22, 2011

Week #10


Glad it's finally Monday! Sounds like everything is going good back home. Nothing is really new here! Except transfers are coming and people think I'm getting transfered. We'll see. I'm excited but sad at the same time. I've made so many good friends here, I don't want to leave. I'm loving it here! The people are great, the weather is beautiful, what more can you ask for?! Glad everything went good at the homecoming dinner thing. I'm glad the girls got my letter on time.

We are still working with Dolly. We are about to baptize a 15 year old name Jaymin. He has been coming to church for awhile and finally wants to be baptized.

I don't miss home, surprisingly. I can't believe I've been out for three months, it doesn't seem that long, but at the same time it has seemed like forever!

As missionaries we are taught, when in doubt, bare your testimony! You'll never go wrong baring your testimony. It's been quite slow, but still fun. In our pad, we have Elder Tuihalangingie from Oakland, Elder Lyons from St. George and Elder Tui is our district leader. We have way cool Elders out here!

What is the weather like? That's good Nate's (Allred)had his farewell! I'm sure he did great. Did he seem excited? It's so important to be out here. I've seen it bless my life SO much.

Elder Hudson

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